SoMorgul Custom | Open Tibia Server

Server details:

Experience IconExperience: Skills IconSkills: Magic IconMagic: Loot IconLoot: PVP Type IconType: Protocol IconProtocol:
5 2 2 3 PvP 7.40

Players data: (?)

Players online: Record online: Added to the list:
0 0 2023-07-22 23:21:33


Server configuration:


- Hosted in Miami, (USA)
- Custom made Antibot Client
- Server save at 10:00 AM. (USA)

Experience stages.

Game Configuration:
- Loot rate: 2x
- Magic rate: 1x
- Skill rate: 2x
- Spawn rate: 2x

- Promotion Cost: 20k
- Low level protection: No
- Auto open backpack configuration option when logging in
- Elite monsters (1/200 chance to spawn, drops significant more loot, yields more exp and might have extra abilities)
- Experience share activable
Vocation Hunt (10% extra experience per vocation in the party, 150% exp when 4 vocations in share and party)
- No pay to win items in store
- Convertible gold

- +10% EXP
- dont need eat
- you can buy houses
- you can use !autoloot

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Average Players Online History